About CheckedHolidays

CheckedHolidays was founded in 2012 after noticing a lot of misinformation on the internet about holidays in the Spanish Islands. This misinformation negatively impacted people’s holidays, so we made a YouTube video to correct this misinformation. After it was picked up and featured in Express, it reached over 100 000 viewers. From there, we got inspired to do more!




2019 was the first full year for the website, reaching about 1 000 readers each month. Now, in 2022, there are over 30,000 unique English language readers each month.

Since August 2022, the website has been available in all major European languages, growing the number of readers even faster.

The goal for this website in 2023 is to help over HALF A MILLION people have better holidays!


The YouTube channel started in 2012 but only got more videos in 2015 and even more in 2018. After a huge decline in views in 2020 because of travel restrictions, it currently reaches over 125 000 viewers each month and is growing.

Collaborations & advertising

On CheckedHolidays.com, we talk about the bad and good of holiday destinations to give the best holiday advice. It is one of the reasons our site is trusted and loved by an ever-growing readership. To keep offering high-quality and independent holiday advice, we don’t do paid promotions for products or services we don’t believe in. However, if you think we have overlooked your hotel, resort, attraction, excursion or service and would like us to include it for free on the website. Please contact us, and after an in-person review, you might be included.

