Fuerteventura: Weather & when to go

When to stay where in Fuerteventura

When to go where in Fuerteventura: green = good, orange=ok, red=avoid

The above chart gives you an idea of where it is best to stay in Fuerteventura, depending on the month you are going. Know that this considers much more than just the weather but also what is open, how busy it will be in those resorts and much more.

However, if you can find a good deal, know that you can visit any resort in Fuerteventura anytime, as the weather is sunny and warm all year round. This excludes December, when it can get a bit rainier on the island. Especially in the northern areas like Corralejo and El Cotillo

Fuerteventura climate

An overview of the weather in Fuerteventura by month. Sunshine, daylight, rainfall, rainy days, temperature and sea temperature (Celsius).

The weather in Fuerteventura is warm and sunny all year round, unlike some other areas in Spain where winters are much colder. August and September are the best months to go for the warmest and sunniest holidays. If visiting Fuerteventura in winter, it is best to stay away from the North of the island to avoid the few cloudy and rainy days this island has.


Temperature by month in Fuerteventura (high and low, Celsius)

The hottest months in Fuerteventura are June, July, August and September. In the other months of the year, the temperatures remain very comfortable, unlike many other places in Spain.

Daylight and sunshine hours

Daylight and sunshine hours by month in Fuerteventura

The months of June and July are the sunniest in Fuerteventura. But other months are sunny as well. In January and December, you might want to stay away from the North of the island to avoid cloudy days.

Rainfall and rainy days

Rainfall in Fuerteventura by month (mm)

November, December, January and February have the most rain on Fuerteventura. Yet this is very little rain still as Fuerteventura generally is a very dry place.

Rainy days by month in Fuerteventura

May, June, July, August and September are the driest months on Fuerteventura. May and September can see a little rain but nothing to worry about for your holiday.

Sea temperature

Seawater temperature by month in Fuerteventura (Celsius)

Fuerteventura seawater is pretty comfortable all year round, and temperatures vary little. It is best to go in the last half of the year for the warmest water.

Fuerteventura price by month

If you are visiting Fuerteventura on a budget, then the best months to go are April, May, October or November. You can find the best weather on a budget in October and November. July, June and August are the most expensive months for a holiday in Fuerteventura. January, February, March, September and December have moderate.

The school holidays, like Easter and Christmas, are also among the more expensive times to visit Fuerteventura.

Accommodation and hotel prices by month in Fuerteventura