Lanzarote airport transfer prices: Taxi, shuttle and bus

What is the best way to get from the airport in Lanzarote (ACE) to your holiday destination on the island? For an overview of the prices, here is the comparison. But also have a quick look below as there are some essential things to know before selecting any of these options.

Lanzarote airport transfer prices

Lanzarote airport transfers to…Public transportShuttle busTaxi online
(fixed price)
Minibus online
(fixed price)
Taxi at airport
(starting price)
Costa Teguise2.55 €4.99 €19.70 €29.05 €20.00 €
Arrecife1.40 €7.37 €14.28 €22.15 €10.00 €
Matagorda1.40 €4.99 €15.33 €22.15 €9.00 €
Puerto del Carmen1.40 €4.99 €15.33 €22.15 €16.00 €
Puerto Calero1.40 €9.74 €19.70 €29.05 €18.00 €
Playa Blanca3.30 €9.14 €49.23 €62.37 €41.00 €
Prices for airport transfers at Lanzarote airport (ACE) (Taxi, shuttle bus and public transport) in Euros

* N/A on this page refers to either not available or not advisable (because of multiple bus transfers, difficulty or unreliability of the service)

Summary: What is the best Lanzarote airport transfer?

  • Public transport: If you are travelling within 48 hours and are not arriving late in the evening or the weekend.
  • Shuttle bus: If you are travelling on a budget but still want great service and drop off at your hotel. Not a random bus stop.
  • Taxi at airport: Could be ok if travelling in the daytime but booking a taxi online in most cases is advised.
  • Taxi online: Definitely the best choice for weekends, evening arrivals and any time if you travel with small children that need safety seats.
  • Minibus: A good option when travelling with more than 4 people or with a lot of luggage.
  • Hire car: Best option if you want to see a lot of the island or make a lot of excursions.

Public transport at Lanzarote airport

If you want to use public transport when you arrive at Lanzarote airport, it’s easy to find. Just collect your luggage, head to the exit, and then follow the right side of the airport.

Lanzarote airport to…Public transport price
Costa Teguise2.55 €
Arrecife1.40 €
Matagorda1.40 €
Puerto del Carmen1.40 €
Puerto Calero1.40 €
Playa Blanca3.30 €
Public transport prices at Lanzarote airport (ACE) in euros

Some quick things to know about the public transport in Lanzarote at the airport:

  • The buses go quite often excluding on the weekends.
  • They don’t go very late into the night for some destinations.
  • You can simply buy your ticket on the bus so that it’s very easy.
  • The fast buses stop far from your hotel and slow buses make more stops and stop closer to your hotel.

For full routes, times and prices, have a look at the public transport bus schedules on

Shuttle bus

If you want to take a shuttle bus, then it’s pretty easy. After landing, head towards the exit, and then there are two choices from there. First, have a look at your reservation ticket if you need to contact the reservation desk first OR if you head out to the right side of the airport where the buses are waiting.

If you want to take a shuttle bus from the airport and do know that it’s usually about one or two euros more than the public transport:

Lanzarote airport to…Shuttle bus price
Costa Teguise4.99 €
Arrecife7.37 €
Matagorda4.99 €
Puerto del Carmen4.99 €
Puerto Calero9.74 €
Playa Blanca9.14 €
Shuttle bus prices at Lanzarote airport (ACE) in euros

However, you do get a lot of extra service from the shuttle buses for those extra few euros:

  • They will drop you off at your reception and not a random bus stop.
  • They’re quite budget-friendly.
  • You will always have a seat on the bus.
  • If your flight or luggage is delayed, then they will wait for you.
  • They might stop at other hotels before they stop at yours.

All in all, I think the shuttle buses offer an excellent and easy to use service. If you want to take a shuttle bus at Lanzarote airport, I would advise you to look at this shuttle bus company I used in Lanzarote and the other Canary Islands I visited.

Airport taxi

The fastest way to get to your hotel is to take a taxi from the Lanzarote airport. The taxis in Lanzarote are very easy to find. They are right outside the door as soon as you head to the exit in the Lanzarote airport.

Lanzarote airport to…Taxi online
(fixed price)
Minibus online
(fixed price)
Taxi at airport
(starting price)
Costa Teguise19.70 €29.05 €20.00 €
Arrecife14.28 €22.15 €10.00 €
Matagorda15.33 €22.15 €9.00 €
Puerto del Carmen15.33 €22.15 €16.00 €
Puerto Calero19.70 €29.05 €18.00 €
Playa Blanca49.23 €62.37 €41.00 €
Taxi prices at Lanzarote airport (ACE) in euros

Important information about taxis at the airport in Lanzarote:

  • Prices mentioned at the airport are only estimates and they will go up if there’s a traffic jam.
  • Most often they don’t have any child seats.
  • Online there are many complaints about long waiting lines and I have also seen this when visiting.

To avoid any problems, I advise you to book online before with this company I use and recommend (locked-in price, no waiting and child seats).

Hire car

Another way is to rent a car at the airport in Lanzarote. This is a way I can advise as hire cars are very cheap in the Canary Islands. And of course, if you rent one at the airport, you can also use it to do a little bit of shopping or sightseeing or explore the island.

In general, a nice new car will cost about 10 to 15 euros per day with full insurance. You can also go cheaper at 7, 8 or 9 euros for a bit older car with basic insurance. But I would always advise taking the full insurance.

However, know that some of the companies out there, the price they will offer you on the internet, will go way up once you arrive because they will upsell you many extra services. Please look at this link to know the companies I use and my top tips for hiring a car during your holiday.