Mallorca airport transfer prices: Taxi, shuttle and bus

What is the best way to get from the airport in Mallorca (PMI) to your holiday destination on the island? For an overview of the prices, here is the comparison. But also have a quick look below as there are some essential things to know before selecting any of these options.

Mallorca airport transfer prices

Mallorca airport transfers to…Public transportShuttle busTaxi online
(fixed price)
Minibus online
(fixed price)
Taxi at airport
(starting price)
El Arenal5.00 €6.95 €24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Playa de Palma5.00 €6.95 €24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Can Pastilla5.00 €6.95 €24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Palma5.00 €7.00 €24.07 €44.53 €17.00 €
Palma Nova5.50 €6.95 €34.91 €52.95 €35.00 €
Magaluf5.50 €6.95 €34.91 €52.95 €40.00 €
Santa Ponsa7.00 €6.95 €42.13 €64.99 €40.00 €
Paguera7.00 €6.95 €44.53 €66.20 €46.00 €
Port de SollerN/A9.00 €66.20 €92.68 €53.00 €
Cala San VincenteN/A8.68 €71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Puerto PollensaN/A8.68 €71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Puerto Alcudia9.00 €8.68 €71.01 €91.47 €74.00 €
Playa de Muro9.00 €8.68 €71.01 €91.47 €76.00 €
Can Picafort10.00 €8.68 €71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Cala MesquidaN/A10.89 €90.27 €132.39 €98.00 €
Cala RatjadaN/A10.89 €90.27 €132.39 €94.00 €
Font de sa CalaN/A10.89 €90.27 €132.39 €94.00 €
Cala Bona12.00 €10.89 €86.66 €114.33 €82.00 €
Cala Millor12.00 €10.89 €86.66 €114.33 €82.00 €
Sa Coma – S’Illot12.00 €10.89 €86.66 €114.33 €77.00 €
Cala d’or10.00 €11.60 €83.05 €114.33 €71.00 €
Prices for airport transfers at Mallorca airport (PMI) (Taxi, shuttle bus and public transport) in euros

* N/A on this page refers to either not available or not advisable (because of multiple bus transfers, difficulty or unreliability of the service)

Summary: What is the best Mallorca airport transfer?

  • Public transport: If you are travelling within 48 hours and don’t have a lot of luggage.
  • Shuttle bus: If you are travelling on a budget.
  • Taxi at airport: Could be ok if travelling in the daytime or to a destination close to the airport (El Arenal, Can Pastilla and Playa de Palma).
  • Taxi online: For weekends, evening arrivals or when travelling with 3 to 4 people and any time if you travel with small children that need safety seats.
  • Minibus: Good option when travelling with more than 4 people.
  • Hire car: Best option if you want to have an active holiday and explore the island.

Public transport

Not the best way to get to your hotel is the public transport. One of the only good things about this is that you can get on without any preparation or reservations. So if you’re travelling a couple of days from now, this might still be a good way to get to your hotel.

It used to be that for most destinations on Mallorca, you would first have to go to Palma central station and then transfer onto another bus to your final destination. Not a good way to start your holiday. However, there are now “direct” buses to your holiday destination from the airport. But even these make multiple stops along the way. So even though you won’t have to transfer, you will still have to walk quite a long way in most cases since the buses only stop at a few bus stops, which might be far away from your hotel.


  • Buses to most destinations on Mallorca are now available without the need to transfer.
  • No need to make a reservation or buy a ticket in advance.
  • Budget-friendly option.


  • The bus might stop far away from your hotel at a bus stop.
  • Drivers are mostly friendly but might not communicate well in your language.
  • For some destinations, it might not be clear where you need to get off the bus.
  • The buses at Mallorca airport don’t drive late into the evening, so not good for evening arrivals.
  • The buses only go a few times a day.
  • In high season buses get easily full and you might not have a spot on the first bus that passes.
Mallorca airport to…Public transport price
El Arenal5.00 €
Playa de Palma5.00 €
Can Pastilla5.00 €
Palma5.00 €
Palma Nova5.50 €
Magaluf5.50 €
Santa Ponsa7.00 €
Paguera7.00 €
Port de SollerN/A
Cala San VincenteN/A
Puerto PollensaN/A
Puerto Alcudia9.00 €
Playa de Muro9.00 €
Can Picafort10.00 €
Cala MesquidaN/A
Cala RatjadaN/A
Font de sa CalaN/A
Cala Bona12.00 €
Cala Millor12.00 €
Sa Coma – S’Illot12.00 €
Cala d’or10.00 €
Public transport prices at Mallorca airport (PMI) in euros

You can find all routes and update prices on .

Shuttle bus

A better way than public transport is to get a shuttle bus at Mallorca airport, especially if you travel on a budget or with 1 or 2 people.


  • Same price as public transport or just a few euros difference.
  • Stops at reception of your hotel, not at a random bus stop.
  • No need to transfer.
  • English speaking staff.
  • Clearly indicated and explained where to go.
  • Budget-friendly.
  • Will wait for you if your flight is delayed or arrives late in the evening.


  • You need to make a reservation in advance. You can not buy tickets at the airport.
Mallorca airport to…Shuttle bus price
El Arenal6.95 €
Playa de Palma6.95 €
Can Pastilla6.95 €
Palma7.00 €
Palma Nova6.95 €
Magaluf6.95 €
Santa Ponsa6.95 €
Paguera6.95 €
Port de Soller9.00 €
Cala San Vincente8.68 €
Puerto Pollensa8.68 €
Puerto Alcudia8.68 €
Playa de Muro8.68 €
Can Picafort8.68 €
Cala Mesquida10.89 €
Cala Ratjada10.89 €
Font de sa Cala10.89 €
Cala Bona10.89 €
Cala Millor10.89 €
Sa Coma – S’Illot10.89 €
Cala d’or11.60 €
Shuttle bus prices at Mallorca airport (PMI) in euros

You can find the company I use and advise for shuttles at Mallorca airport here. There you can find the exact prices for all destinations on Mallorca.

Mallorca airport taxis

Another way is to get a taxi at the airport. However, there are some important things to watch out for with this method.


  • The fastest way to get to your hotel from the airport.


  • Best booked online in advance to have a good experience.
  • Long waiting lines on Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and in the high season months like July and August.
  • Since you in most cases have to pass Palma (the busy capital of Mallorca) it is possible you get stuck in traffic and this will make the price go up.
  • Prices at the airport are estimates and NOT the final price.
  • Taxi’s at the airport don’t like short rides (El Arenal, Playa de Palma and Can Pastilla) and will try to avoid them or in some cases drive a longer route to charge a higher price. I am not saying all taxi drivers do this, but they have tried it on me on several occasions.
  • As a rule, the “on demand” taxis at the airport don’t have child seats.
  • Maximum 4 passengers per car. There is no bigger taxis at the airport unless you reserve them online before arriving.
Mallorca airport transfers to…Taxi online
(fixed price)
Minibus online
(fixed price)
Taxi at airport
(starting price)
El Arenal24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Playa de Palma24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Can Pastilla24.07 €44.53 €15.00 €
Palma24.07 €44.53 €17.00 €
Palma Nova34.91 €52.95 €35.00 €
Magaluf34.91 €52.95 €40.00 €
Santa Ponsa42.13 €64.99 €40.00 €
Paguera44.53 €66.20 €46.00 €
Port de Soller66.20 €92.68 €53.00 €
Cala San Vincente71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Puerto Pollensa71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Puerto Alcudia71.01 €91.47 €74.00 €
Playa de Muro71.01 €91.47 €76.00 €
Can Picafort71.01 €91.47 €80.00 €
Cala Mesquida90.27 €132.39 €98.00 €
Cala Ratjada90.27 €132.39 €94.00 €
Font de sa Cala90.27 €132.39 €94.00 €
Cala Bona86.66 €114.33 €82.00 €
Cala Millor86.66 €114.33 €82.00 €
Sa Coma – S’Illot86.66 €114.33 €77.00 €
Cala d’or83.05 €114.33 €71.00 €
Taxi prices at Mallorca airport (PMI) in euros

If you want someone to pick you up at the gate, no waiting, space for all your luggage, option for more than 4 people per taxi, child seats ready, and to have a SET, LOCKED IN fixed price that is the same as the ESTIMATED price mentioned for the taxi’s waiting outside at the airport… then I would advise this company to reserve your taxi in advance.

Hire car

A hire car might also be a great option. It will not only get you from the Palma de Mallorca Airport to your hotel, but since Mallorca is a big island, it is also an excellent opportunity to go exploring. Just make sure that you book with the right company as there are less reputable companies out there that will trick you, up-sell you and rip you off when you arrive after offering you a low price online before.

In winter you can find hire cars insanely cheap in Mallorca because there are few tourists. Outside of June, July and August, cars are reasonably priced. But be aware that any car you can find online for 2 or 3 euro’s a day is most likely not a good idea to book. If you want to rent a car in Mallorca, I advise you to look here first at my car hire guide.